Back in September I made this Torii pendant as part of my challenge. You can read all about how I made it in
31/52 Joyful Torii Part 1.
This is the back of the pendant.
Now for Joyful Torii Part 2!!!
The plan was to try using some glass Filato that I bought in Murano, Venice years and years ago. I always wanted to try doing a bit of micro mosaic, but of course having bought these, there they sat, unused!!! Filato are made from Smalti glass and are long rods that are only 1-2mm wide.
I've never tried anything like this before - so I will say straight off that I was winging it as I went along!! :D It largely depended on some internet research and a bit of trial and error ;)
First was cutting up the rods into small bits for the pattern. I wanted to stay with something really I just went with some coloured stripes. I used some sticky stuff on paper so I could work out the design, you can see the pieces being put together on the left in the above photo.
Next job was to start gluing all the pieces into the frame. If you've read Part 1 you'll know I wasn't too sure about the overall shape of the frame. As you can see from the photos I went with taking off the two lower side pieces.I like this shape better.
I had already realised that I should of made the frame deeper before I ever got this far, but what the heck, I was going for it anyway :) I knew it would mean I couldn't really go for the mosaic surface being flush with the frame, but it was all a learning process!!
My cutting of the pieces was quite an inexact science so the top surface wasn't very even, but at least they all fitted in!!
I let the glue cure and then started to file the surface off to make it more even.
The glass filed down quite easily.
Finally I sealed the top surface. The plan here was to use Lisa Pavela's Magic Gloss to give a nice shiny raised finish...however that idea went out the window when I found the new bottle had gone off and set solid :( Apparently it has a shelf life and I'd had mine for years!!
So instead I just sealed the surface with more Weldbond. Not ideal and I'll probably redo it in time. Anyway here is the finished piece on a chain with a few complementary beads!
It is far from perfect but I learnt loads doing it. I know I need to cut pieces to a much more even size and shape, I probably need to find a different glue, I need to make frames deeper etc etc...but mainly I learnt...I liked doing it!!!
So this is another technique I'll have another go at in the future to see if I can make something much better :D
Have fun!
Joy x